Now that you have your masks made, below is an invitation you can make for a fun party for your daughter and her friends and their dolls. I like the color combos, don’t you? They are kind of creepy and classy at the same time. 🙂 Let’s get started making […]
Greeting Cards
Imagine the great gift that you can give (or receive!) in this small package. It’s too small for a gift card, but a diamond ring would fit nicely inside, thank-you-very-much! You can download the template HERE. I added a HUGE brad to the front, but you can add a flower or […]
I’ve been creating things with paper for over eight years. I wish I had some of the first things I made. I didn’t make this card, but I’ve had it for several years. My friend Jen made it as an invitation for her niece’s birthday. I call this card my “step-it-up” […]
Two years ago I was blessed with the task of creating invitations for our family reunion. Six generations of my mom’s family were going to gather at the homestead that my great-grandfather built in 1898. Talk about pressure! I was honored to accept the task. There were so many elements […]
Here is the tutorial to make this multi-functional composition book with attached file-folder. Supplies: Regular-size composition book Empty cereal box Eight envelopes, approximately 5″ x 7″ (but not larger) Stamp set and permanent ink 12 x 12 card stock, 12 x 12 decorative cardstock, and several pieces of scraps […]
Tomorrow I will post the tutorial for making this fun notebook with attached file folder. I was given the challenge to come up with a journal/file for the 12-to-18 year-old girls in my church. The requirements were to come up with something that was easy to use and not too bulky; something that […]
Every teacher I know just loves fun stationary! Imagine how excited your child’s teacher will be when she (or he) receive this handmade stationary box filled with cards…and pencils, too!This is the perfect gift for kids of all ages to give to their teachers, from pre-school all the way up through […]
I think I’m only going to make big cards. I showed this card on my blog once before, but here it is again. This time I made it a little more youthful and fun. It’s a Bat Mitzpah card. It fits into a 6 x 9 envelope. Certainly a black-tie […]
I love my Bloomies. I received this sale flyer in the mail a couple of weeks ago. I kept it because I thought the color scheme was interesting. I think these colors are usually really gaudy when they’re used together, but somehow they work well together in this ad. I […]