In keeping with my latest obsession of making boxes and stationary, here is an idea for something you can make for a college-bound kid. I made the card resemble the Duke “D” by cutting out part of the fold and by rounding the corners. The cards are perfect for college […]
stampin’ up!
Lately, I have been obsessed with making boxes and filling them with stationery. I ordered a custom stamp for Sharon and made her her very own box of personalized stationery. I’m hoping that because it’s handmade, she’ll forgive me for being so forgetting her birthday. (If you look closely at […]
Alas, here is another mishmash masterpiece. Let me just say that making mishmash cards has been so liberating for me. I am so OCD. The fact that these colors don’t really match seems to work for me, though. Try it! Throw all of your scraps and stuff into a big […]
Mishmash is actually a word. Did you know that? It really is. It’s in the dictionary, so it must be legit, right? It’s spelled “mishmash” or “mishmosh,” however you prefer. Either way, it means the same thing. “A hodgepodge of stuff.” (That’s a HODGE podge, not a MOD podge…hee hee […]
There are so many “firsts” in life. You know…first baby, first day of school, first hair cut, etc. I thought it would be fun to memorialize our daughter’s first few days at college. I made this mini scrapbook to save photos of the days when I drop her off and […]
Make a cute candy box for Halloween! The best part about this little gem is that the box “explodes” when you take off the lid. What a nice surprise! Supplies: Paper cutter with scoring blade Decorative paper Embellishments Double-sided tape For the lid: Fold in the side of the box, […]
Ribbon roses are very easy to make! You can make them any size, large or small. You can also use any size and type of ribbon. To make these roses, all you need is ribbon, scissors, and a very heavy-duty double-sided adhesive. The best thing to use is either Stampin’ Up!’s “Multipurpose […]
My husband travels quite a bit with his job. Every once in awhile he has to attend conferences. We love when he returns home from a conference because he comes home with lots of goodies for us. He brings us promotional gadgets from different companies, like pens, notebooks, Band-Aids, combs, shoe polish, […]
I adorned a basic frame with ribbon roses and embossed chipboard letters to make this guest room pass-along frame. Display it in your guest room and then allow your guests to take it home with them to pass it along to their guests, and so on, and so on. Come […]