Mishmash is actually a word. Did you know that? It really is. It’s in the dictionary, so it must be legit, right? It’s spelled “mishmash” or “mishmosh,” however you prefer. Either way, it means the same thing. “A hodgepodge of stuff.” (That’s a HODGE podge, not a MOD podge…hee hee 🙂 )
In the ever-ongoing process of cleaning my craft room, I decided it was finally time to finish all of the half-finished card projects that were cluttering my desk and getting on my nerves. I decided to blend everything together…I put EVERYTHING, including scraps of paper and embellishments that could never seem to find homes, in one big pile, grabbed coordinating colors, and went to town.
Here is today’s example of a mishmash card. I’m pleasantly surprised with the results. These are colors that I would never use all together at the same time, yet somehow they seem to work.
You know what they say…desperate times call for desperate measures. I have been desperate to clean that room, and darn it, one day it will happen.
Come back tomorrow for an even more mishmashed card. You’ll be inspired.
A Mishmash of Color & Stuff