Have you ever discovered something new and then asked yourself, “How in the world did I live this long without this?” Well, once you add Dazzling Details glitter glue to your projects, you will definitely know what I mean.
greeting cards
Most handmade cards are made by using 1/2 sheet of 8-1/2″ x 11″ cardstock. This makes the card end up measuring 4-1/4″ x 5-1/2″. (Like the size of an invitation.) One of my clients requested bigger cards this year. Hmmmm….that is a challenge! I’m just so used to making standard-sized cards […]
Remember this cute little goose? It is a stamp that is part of the “Cherish Friendship” stamp set. This cute little bowl of cherries is also a part of the set. Can I just tell you that I was up until 1 am making a bunch of these? Trust me, it’s […]
I finished the invitations for the upcoming birthday bash in honor of my dad and his twin brother’s 75th birthday. It really is quite challenging to combine creativity with age-appropriateness. Birthday party invitations usually call for balloons and confetti and fun stuff like that. However, those things really didn’t seem […]
Alas, here is another mishmash masterpiece. Let me just say that making mishmash cards has been so liberating for me. I am so OCD. The fact that these colors don’t really match seems to work for me, though. Try it! Throw all of your scraps and stuff into a big […]
Mishmash is actually a word. Did you know that? It really is. It’s in the dictionary, so it must be legit, right? It’s spelled “mishmash” or “mishmosh,” however you prefer. Either way, it means the same thing. “A hodgepodge of stuff.” (That’s a HODGE podge, not a MOD podge…hee hee […]
Now that you have your masks made, below is an invitation you can make for a fun party for your daughter and her friends and their dolls. I like the color combos, don’t you? They are kind of creepy and classy at the same time. 🙂 Let’s get started making […]
By Adding One Small Extra, Your Creation Can Go From Boring to Amazing When I first created this card I was happy with it because I thought it had an understated elegance about it and that’s why I liked it. However, I couldn’t help but feel that something was missing. I […]