Lately, I have been obsessed with making boxes and filling them with stationery. I ordered a custom stamp for Sharon and made her her very own box of personalized stationery. I’m hoping that because it’s handmade, she’ll forgive me for being so forgetting her birthday. (If you look closely at […]
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Alas, here is another mishmash masterpiece. Let me just say that making mishmash cards has been so liberating for me. I am so OCD. The fact that these colors don’t really match seems to work for me, though. Try it! Throw all of your scraps and stuff into a big […]
Mishmash is actually a word. Did you know that? It really is. It’s in the dictionary, so it must be legit, right? It’s spelled “mishmash” or “mishmosh,” however you prefer. Either way, it means the same thing. “A hodgepodge of stuff.” (That’s a HODGE podge, not a MOD podge…hee hee […]
There are so many “firsts” in life. You know…first baby, first day of school, first hair cut, etc. I thought it would be fun to memorialize our daughter’s first few days at college. I made this mini scrapbook to save photos of the days when I drop her off and […]
For the banner template, click on the pdf file here: dukebluedevilsbanner.pdf Supplies: Cardstock that represents your school’s colors (click to order) Ink that represents your school’s colors (click to order) Sticky Strip (click to order) Scallop Edge Border Punch Natural Hemp Twine Measurements: Directions: **cut a piece of hemp twine long […]
We are busy preparing for our oldest daughter to leave for college for the very first time in just a few weeks. (AGGHH!!) I have been busy making some fun school-themed items for her to bring with her. Here is a fun banner she can hang in her room. Come […]
(You can find the tutorial for the faux suede box HERE.) Now that you’ve made the stationery box, you need to fill it! The box makes a great gift. Not only will your friends love this, but teachers will love it, too. The box and cards that I made are for […]