Learn How To Make Greeting Cards Would you like to learn how to make greeting cards? This eWillow.com blog shows you a sampling of the greeting cards that are part of the subscription boxes we offer. However, I also blog about how to make greeting cards, too, on my Stamping with […]
Greeting Cards
Subscription Box Free Shipping Plus Save 20% Site-Wide Hi Friends! While I’m busy battening down the hatches in preparation for Hurricane Matthew, I want to share with you a coupon code so you can get a head start on your holiday shopping. Use code EXTRA20OCT to save 20% site wide, […]
Retro Fresh Shaker Cards Retro Fresh Shaker Cards ~ I love shaker cards, so I was excited when I was able to incorporate a shaker card into the Retro-Fresh Fall Collection Card Set. I especially love that this card, along with the first card in this collection, is gender-neutral. I […]
Donate Makeup To Women In Need Friends! If you haven’t done so already, hop on over to Cosmetics for a Cause! eWillow.com is proud to be the corporate sponsor for this wonderful non-profit charity that solicits, collects, and distributes cosmetics to women in need. The charity’s founder, Erica Harreveld (disclosure: my […]
Subscription Greeting Card Boxes I’m starting to create cards for the subscription greeting card boxes that are set to ship this fall. I can’t beieve that the first day of fall is next week! It’s always summer where I live! Maybe that’s why it’s always a challenge for me to […]
Special Savings Offer Enter code EXTRA20SEPT at checkout to save 20% site-wide on eWillow.com Greeting Cards. Be sure to check out our new cards designed specifically for kids to help teach them the importance of sending handwritten letters. You’ll also want to check out all of our subscription options. We […]
Introducing Cards for Kids Today I’m introducing “Cards for Kids,” my new collection for eWillow.com Greeting Cards subscription greeting card boxes. You can read on the “About the Artist” page about my lifelong love for all things stationery and greeting cards. I’m so thrilled to be able to provide the […]
Facebook Invites For Your Wedding Are a Bad Idea I Will Never Understand Facebook invites for your wedding are a bad idea. I don’t think I will ever come to understand why people use social media as a platform for sending invitations. Maybe it’s because I have been a lifetime lover […]
Flamingo Greeting Card Take a look at this fun flamingo greeting card making its debut just in time for summer! It makes me want to grab my towel and head to the beach! I can just smell the salty air and the coconut oil when I look at this cute […]